Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary

Undercover Photos From Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"

I got mail ...

A just-released PETA undercover investigation reveals systemic neglect and suffering of hundreds of cats warehoused in filthy, dungeon-like, unventilated, and disease-ridden storage units at Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary (SVAS) in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

This so-called "sanctuary," operated by Elizabeth Owen, is a storage facility packed with some 300 cats confined to crates and carriers stacked on top of each other, in which many, if not most, of the cats have lived for years with no room to walk around or to escape from their own waste.

At SVAS, approximately 300 cats are caged 24/7 in dark, stifling storage units. Most have been kept like this for years. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Quality of life is nonexistent at SVAS. Sick animals are not given veterinary care, nor are they segregated from other cats, spreading contagious illnesses, airborne viruses, and parasites. Cats with debilitating ailments such as seizure disorders and chronic diarrhea are left untreated, and painful conditions such as open wounds and a suspected burst eardrum are allowed to persist. Even obviously critically ill animals like Winky, who was found convulsing and near death in a litterbox, are deprived of veterinary care and/or euthanasia to alleviate suffering. Owen denied volunteers' pleas to let them take Winky to the vet at their own expense. Winky languished for more than two hours before finally dying. A volunteer at SVAS told PETA's investigator that she had over the years buried "at least 100" cats who had died at the facility.

PETA has been asking Horry County police to help Owen's animals since July 2010, but her cats continue to languish and die, without care, in deplorable conditions at SVAS. These cats cannot wait another day—they are counting on your help now!

Please view the investigator's video and photos, then take a moment of your time to contact Horry County prosecutor Greg Hembree. Politely request that he and Horry County officials remove all animals from SVAS today and file cruelty-to-animals charges against Owen.

Thank you for helping to stop cats from suffering and dying at SVAS!


Daphna Nachminovitch

Vice President
Cruelty Investigations Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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