Thursday, February 24, 2011

Attention Viewers ..

I'm the owner of this website.  Many things I post are things I want to share to you, the viewer.  I take no credit in any of the pictures and documents that I post besides the ones I claim with my logo on it.  I LOVE to share my passion of animals and how Mother nature shares the most prescious creatures she has ever introduced to Earth. Unfortuantely life isn't fair and many of us don't have a heart that works right.  Many owners and abusers are disturbed and inhumane in the most unimaginable ways.  I hope viewers like you are touched by the stories I share and many greater animal-rights advcates like the PETA, SPCA, THE HUMANE SOCITEY OF UNITED STATES, and many many more share and make us aware of as well.
I own two dogs myself, a Chihuahua name Mimi and a Rat Terrior name Mickie.  Both I  do try my best to care and love unconditionally.  For as long as I can remember, my family has always owned pets. 
Not until recently when I became aware that animals have no voice and we are their only support.  They depend on us and share anything that is in their power to make our lives as special as they know how.
I just want the ones who do own a pet to be KIND, to LOVE, to ADORE, to APPRECIATE, and do what loving-companion can do to treat your pets with the utmost attention and unconditional love.
Please adopt, be if you buy, save their life and make a friend for life.

Here is a treat from me, a picture of my babies Mimi (rt) & Mickie (lt).

Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary

Undercover Photos From Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals"

I got mail ...

A just-released PETA undercover investigation reveals systemic neglect and suffering of hundreds of cats warehoused in filthy, dungeon-like, unventilated, and disease-ridden storage units at Sacred Vision Animal Sanctuary (SVAS) in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

This so-called "sanctuary," operated by Elizabeth Owen, is a storage facility packed with some 300 cats confined to crates and carriers stacked on top of each other, in which many, if not most, of the cats have lived for years with no room to walk around or to escape from their own waste.

At SVAS, approximately 300 cats are caged 24/7 in dark, stifling storage units. Most have been kept like this for years. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Quality of life is nonexistent at SVAS. Sick animals are not given veterinary care, nor are they segregated from other cats, spreading contagious illnesses, airborne viruses, and parasites. Cats with debilitating ailments such as seizure disorders and chronic diarrhea are left untreated, and painful conditions such as open wounds and a suspected burst eardrum are allowed to persist. Even obviously critically ill animals like Winky, who was found convulsing and near death in a litterbox, are deprived of veterinary care and/or euthanasia to alleviate suffering. Owen denied volunteers' pleas to let them take Winky to the vet at their own expense. Winky languished for more than two hours before finally dying. A volunteer at SVAS told PETA's investigator that she had over the years buried "at least 100" cats who had died at the facility.

PETA has been asking Horry County police to help Owen's animals since July 2010, but her cats continue to languish and die, without care, in deplorable conditions at SVAS. These cats cannot wait another day—they are counting on your help now!

Please view the investigator's video and photos, then take a moment of your time to contact Horry County prosecutor Greg Hembree. Politely request that he and Horry County officials remove all animals from SVAS today and file cruelty-to-animals charges against Owen.

Thank you for helping to stop cats from suffering and dying at SVAS!


Daphna Nachminovitch

Vice President
Cruelty Investigations Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peta's Campaign

Come join the Campaigns to STOP the abuse of MANY INNOCENT animals!


For years, PETA has pressed Iams to stop conducting and funding experiments on animals and to adopt 100 percent humane testing methods.

During Canada’s annual war on seals, hundreds of thousands of seals are slaughtered for their skin.

Burberry may be best known for its distinctive plaid, but its use of real fur is making the design house synonymous with cruelty to animals.

In the Ringling Bros. circus, elephants are beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed with sharp hooks, sometimes until they are bloody.

Donna Karan knows about the suffering that occurs on fur farms, but she has made the cruel decision to use the skins of rabbits in her clothing lines.

 Every year, approximately 850 million chickens are tortured and killed for KFC's restaurants.

 In the slaughterhouses of McDonald's U.S. and Canadian chicken suppliers, birds have their throats cut while they are still conscious.

 Thousands of healthy animals are used by the military for trauma and chemical casualty training exercises every year.

PetSmart may be smart about making money, but it's clueless when it comes to taking proper care of the animals.

Seal Slaughter

PETA's Action Team Alert
Dear Friends,

I hope you are enjoying being a part of PETA's community. I wanted to pass along some resources to help you in your journey toward making a difference for animals and to tell you about our very important campaign to end the Canadian seal slaughter.
Canada: The Whole World Is Watching
As you may already know, every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat and skin hundreds of thousands of seals for products that no one needs. Many of the seals killed are just a few weeks old. They are shot or have their skulls crushed, all for the sake of "fashion."

The good news is that there are several things that you can do right now to help end this barbaric slaughter, including the following:
·         Add your name to the petition urging Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end Canada's cruel seal slaughter. E-mail Prime Minister Stephen Harper today to tell the Canadian government to end the cruel seal massacre.
·         Spread the word on social networks. Update your status with a pro-seal message and connect with PETA on Facebook and sites you might already be visiting like, Twitter and MySpace, so that you can get the latest news and spread the word about our fight to end the seal slaughter.
·         Get involved locally. Join PETA's Action Team and get tips on how to help animals in your part of the world. You'll also receive e-mail alerts letting you know when our demonstrations are coming your way. You can join today by filling out the form here.
·         Be a compassionate consumer. By not buying or wearing any fur, you will be sending a powerful message not only to the fur industry but also to designers, retailers, and others who directly profit from the suffering caused by this cruel industry. Pledge to be fur-free today and check out our shopping guide to compassionate clothing.
Thank you for your continued support in helping to make a difference for animals. Now that you have these tools right at your finger tips, I hope that you have been inspired to start speaking up for seals today!

As always, we are here to support you. Feel free to contact us at any point along the way.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

Kay Bayley Hutchison

This is a response from Kay Bayley Hutchison in the efforts of saving horses who shouldn't be trailing you around Houston when YOU CAN WALK WITH YOUR OWN TWO LEGS!
Dear Friend:
     Thank you for contacting me regarding the removal of wild horses and burros from federal lands.  I welcome your thoughts and comments on this issue.
     H.R. 1018 was introduced by Representative Nick J. Rahall II on January 12, 2009.  This bill seeks to amend the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 by prohibiting the sale or transfer for commercial product processing of any free-roaming horse or burro on U.S. public land.  In addition, H.R. 1018 seeks to repeal the provisions permitting the sale of certain excess animals or their remains and to exclude from criminal fine or imprisonment a person who processes or permits the processing of such animals' remains.
     According to the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act, wild horses and burros are under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Forest Service.  Wild horses and burros on public rangelands are managed in accordance with BLM's multiple use mission which takes into consideration natural resources, wildlife, vegetation, livestock, and recreation.  This policy has been revised in order to balance the appropriate number of wild horses the public lands can sustain and to enhance our ability to place those animals into private care.  It is important that BLM continue its review of the National Wild Horse and Burro Program to ensure that abuse and negligence to those wild horses and burros are eliminated.
     One of the Bureau's greatest challenges is to optimize land practices, without sacrificing efficient management.  I will work to ensure the BLM continues to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the enjoyment of generations to come.  H.R. 1018 passed the House of Representatives on July 17, 2009, and was referred to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources but was not considered by the full Senate prior to the adjournment of the 111th Congress.  Should this legislation be reintroduced in the 112th Congress, you may be certain I will keep your views in mind.
     I appreciate hearing from you and hope you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue of concern to you.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States Senator

Monday, February 21, 2011

All Animal

As a member of the Humane Society of United States, I get the All Animal issues about animals.  In the July / August issue of 2010, there are some very disturbing pictures...

 <-- "Many dogs don't look quite ... right.  ...piles of dog feces.  There is also trash everywhere, and shoddy fencing made of plywood and rusted metal wiring, and busted-up sofa in the driveway ... chunks of its yellow, weather-stained foam litter the yard.
"The HSUS, United Animal Nations, and the Mississippi Animal Rescue League--have a job to do, and that job requires balancing their pity for this woman with pity for the animals she's been keeping."

 <-- "Some dogs in the Mississippi home had been breeding, exacerbating an already overcrowded situation with the addition of the new puppies."

 <-- HSUS responders who helped in Mississippi home come directly from the Tennessee, where they had assisted the Grainger County Humane Society in removing 120 cats from a dilapidated home."

All credits go to Carrie Allan from the article "Rescued from Squalor" in the All Animal July / August issue.

"A Somber Appraisal:  HSUS team assesses the eco-catactrophe unfolding in the Gulf"

"Missouri animal lovers have launched a campaign to require basic care standards for dog breeding facilities in their state, known as the puppy mill capital of America."

From the issue of "Animal Factory" by David Kirby
"No Relief .. What's bad for the animals is bad for the environmenl: Waste from egg-laying hens, packed en masse into spaces so small they can't even spread their wings, runs off into sensitive waterways."

I like this line when i read the article .. " If I were Mother Nature, I would say 'Enough is enough.' .. 'nature is going to deliver one swift kick in the butt to us, and the best that environmentalists will be able to say is, 'I told you so.' And I don't know what that's going to be worth.  There'll be no value in that because it'll be too late."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Dog Space

Dog breed, puppy health & care information at My Dog Space. Dog lovers online community