We all lov3 our animals. They showcase their best personality when happy and loved. I've been a pet owner all my life. My mom owns 6 dogs, and my aunt is a animal rescue Angel who also has a huge family too, so it kinda runs in my family to adore and love them for all that they are. All our little friends are rescues and they all deserve a good home.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Are Human-Animal Hybrids Coming?
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Fw: SHOCKING: Children forced to stomp on animals
PETA Asia has just blown the lid off a horrifying and heartbreaking case in the Philippines that involves cruelty to two of the most vulnerable members of any society—children and animals. You will need a strong stomach to read on, but please know that for the first time in history, something is being done about what you are about to read:
For the last year, PETA's affiliate in Asia has been working to expose and stop those behind a series of pornographic snuff videos in which girls as young as 12 are videotaped torturing and killing animals. These "crush" videos depict the girls stepping, standing, and stomping on animals—from the smallest of mice to large dogs—and are made for a niche market of demented individuals all over the world who derive sexual pleasure from watching animals being abused and slowly killed. Such videos are so heinous that the U.S. enacted a federal law to ban their sale just last year.
The content of the videos associated with this case in the Philippines is beyond sickening. They show scantily clad young girls in high heels crushing puppies, cutting the ears from screaming rabbits who are then set ablaze, driving a sharp stiletto heel repeatedly into a monkey's eyes, and other scenes that are so disturbing that I will spare you the details. The abuse of these animals is prolonged as their limbs are broken and organs crushed until they bleed from the eyes and finally succumb to the agony. But please keep reading.
PETA Asia staff approached and have been working with the Filipino National Bureau of Investigations for more than a year. Finally, after overcoming painstaking hurdles, the police have now charged two people with cruelty to animals, the corruption of minors, and other crimes. The couple has now fled; warrants have been issued for their arrest, and PETA Asia is offering a substantial reward to help locate and bring them to justice.
Although the two fugitives are being pursued by law enforcement and we are working the tips hotline, there is still much more to be done. We need your help to stop similar atrocities, as this isn't the only case, and we need your support for all PETA Asia's wonderful and often lifesaving work for animals. The following are two simple ways that you can help right now:
Contact the Philippine Ambassador to the United States and urge him to do everything in his power to promote the passage of a law banning the sale of these videos in his country.
Make a desperately needed gift today to help PETA Asia's work. The cost of necessary legal work, support for some of the children ensnared in this case, and all PETA Asia's groundbreaking efforts to stop animal abuse throughout Asia is quickly draining this affiliate's budget to pursue cases like this one. PETA will direct 100 percent of your gift to PETA Asia.
It's difficult to imagine something as vile as what PETA Asia has helped to expose in the Philippines, but by taking the two important steps above, you can help us move closer to a day when such sickening cruelty is stopped for good.
Thank you for everything that you do for animals—both in your own neighborhood and around the world.
Kind regards,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
P.S. From helping to bring "crush" video abusers to justice to being among the first animal protection groups on the ground following the devastating March earthquakes in Japan, PETA Asia is on the front lines of the fight for animal rights across Asia. You can find out more about its vital work for animals in the Philippines, China, and throughout Asia by visiting PETAAsiaPacific.com.
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Chimpanzees Need Your Help!
Please click the link below to urge your congressional representatives to cosponsor and support the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act which would ban invasive experiments on chimpanzees and other great apes.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Dog Moves Pool Inside (Video)
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Art Dealer Arrested for Allegedly Importing Ivory
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Tortoise Gets Wheel for a Leg (Video)
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Eat Less Meat For Greener World
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Heroic Puppy Rescue (video)
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Cute Dog Eats Orange (video)
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10 Small Dogs with Big Personalities
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Natural Flea Prevention and Treatment
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Chihuahua Scares Robbers (Video)
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How to Prevent Heat Stroke in Pets
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Standing Cat (video)
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Good Nutrition for Healthy Vegan Dogs
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Why Do Cats Knead?
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Kitten v. Pitbull (Video)
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10 Surprising Things That Could Make Your Pet Sick
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Kitties Escape (Video)
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American Airlines Stops Flying Primates for Research Labs
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Endangered Species Trafficker Gets Six Month Sentence
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Cute Yawning Sloth (Video)
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
ORIGINS does NOT test on animals, Yey
Sent from my iPaddie
Begin forwarded message:
Date: July 18, 2011 10:06:33 AM CDT
To: Mrs. P
Subject: Re:Origins Response to Case
Dear Ms. P.,
Thank you for taking the time to contact Origins.
The Estee Lauder Companies is committed to the elimination of animal testing. We are equally committed to consumer health and safety, and bringing to market products that comply with applicable regulations in every country in which our products are sold.
We do not conduct animal testing on our products or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf. We evaluate our finished products in clinical tests on volunteer panels.
The Estee Lauder Companies fully supports the development and global acceptance of non-animal testing alternatives. To this end, the Company works extensively with the industry at large and the global scientific community to research and fund these alternatives.
Again, thank you for contacting us. We hope you will look to Origins for product honesty, performance and concern for the environment.
Kathryn Miller
Consumer Experience Representative
Global Consumer Communications
-----Original Message-----
From: Mrs. P.
Date: 07/16/2011 21:43:34 EST
Subject: User Inquiries
First Name: Mrs. P.
Questions: Concerns about an ORIGINS product
Request: I love your products! I have been a constant user for years and years since I bought my first moisturizer. Lately I have been going green and I've been trying to avoid products tested on animals. I only want to use Cruelty-Free body products. Bottom line, I want to make sure that ALL your products are Cruelty-Free. Please be honest! I appreciate all feed backs, thank you.
Fwd: Delivering Relief to Chained Dogs This Scorching Summer
Sent from my iPaddie
Begin forwarded message:
From: Ingrid Newkirk <donore@peta.org>
Date: July 18, 2011 3:59:03 PM CDT
To: babiesai@yahoo.com
Subject: Delivering Relief to Chained Dogs This Scorching Summer
Reply-To: Ingrid Newkirk <donore@peta.org>
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Dear Cindy,
Genie's summer—and even her whole life—has improved greatly thanks to the compassion of one person who refused to turn a blind eye to this sweet dog's miserable existence.
While delivering mail in rural North Carolina, a postal worker spotted a gentle dog, Genie, who was confined to a debris-strewn backyard. Her life was limited to the world within reach of her chain. Her only protection from intense summer heat and winter's frigid cold was a battered plastic pet carrier in the corner of the yard. The sight of Genie on the postal worker's daily route weighed heavily on her, and she decided to do something about it.
That's when the postal worker reached out to PETA. Within days, Genie's carrier was replaced with a sturdy new PETA doghouse with a roof that provides her with shade and will protect her from next winter's worst weather.
Will you help more animals like Genie by sponsoring a PETA doghouse for a neglected "backyard dog" right now?
PETA's Cruelty Investigations Department (CID) is on the front lines in the fight to help neglected and abused dogs nationwide. In the impoverished areas near PETA's headquarters, PETA fieldworkers deliver sturdy, long-lasting doghouses to animals like Genie who may have never known shelter from nature's worst. PETA's fieldworkers help in other ways, too, including providing toys, clean water containers, new collars, and lightweight, tangle-free tie-outs when dogs are burdened with a heavy chain. In addition, they treat animals for fleas, ticks, and ear mites that interrupt their sleep and make their lives very uncomfortable and arrange veterinary appointments for animals who need to be spayed or neutered.
While we always want dogs like Genie to live indoors with their families, when those families can't be convinced to see their dog as anything more than a burglar alarm and if conditions do not violate the meager provisions of local laws, our fieldworkers do everything that they can to change that dog's life for the better and educate guardians on proper, humane care. The dogs are so glad to have our eyes and ears: For example, we removed a chain that weighed 38.2 pounds from around one dog's neck! He could barely lift his neck at all.
The cost of providing a doghouse, making visits, and providing care to an outside dog is $265. However, we know that these challenging economic times may make it difficult for some to help dogs in need. That's why we now offer a way for people to become an "Angels for Animals" doghouse sponsor today via a few easy monthly installments.
For as little as $44 per month, you can fund a new doghouse for a dog in desperate need of shelter. And setting up your payment couldn't be easier using PETA's secure, online system. Just choose the amount that you want to give and the number of months, and we'll bill your credit card at the same time each month. Your scheduled payments will continue automatically until your "Angels for Animals" sponsorship is completed, and you can cancel at any time.
Genie was one of the lucky ones. Last year, we delivered more than 300 doghouses, but the need to provide dogs with shelter from the elements is so great that we anticipate delivering even more before the year is out. Won't you help us reach these animals? If you can find it in your heart to become an "Angels for Animals" doghouse sponsor today, you will change the life of a dog forced to live outdoors.
By making a small monthly commitment right now, you can help a dog survive both the hottest days of the summer and the most bone-chilling of winter nights. I hope that you'll seriously consider becoming an "Angel for Animals" doghouse sponsor today. The monthly installment option makes it easily and affordable.
Thank you for helping a neglected dog this summer in such a life-changing way.
Kind regards,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
P.S. The postal worker who first spotted Genie took action when she saw how little protection from the elements Genie had. Won't you stand up for a dog like Genie who may be suffering in the summer heat right now? Please become an "Angels for Animals" doghouse sponsor and change a dog's life today.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Lend Me A Hand? (video)
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Inside the Exotic Pet Trade
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
Young Penguin Swam 2,000 Miles (Videos)
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Modern Polar Bears Orginated in Ireland
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Cute Baby Rhino (video)
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Corgi Helps Sister Escape (Video)
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Protect Pets and Kids From Pesticides In Flea Collars
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Cat & Baby Cuddle (video)
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5 Health Tips for Older Dogs
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Historic Agreement for More Humane Egg Production
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Who would save Petey from the gun pointed at his head?
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Cute Baby Owls (Video)
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Tool-Using Fish Photographed
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Does Your Cat Love Fish?
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Ellen Rescues Kitten
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Cat Tells Dog No (video)
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How Long Do Cats Live?
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How to Help Animals Without Taking Them In
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