Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

7 Foods U Should NEVER Feed Your Cat

1- Raw Fish (it's a misconception)
2- Onions n Chives (not all of us likes it)
3- Uncooked Eggs (even harmful for U 2)
4- Bones (especially cooked chicken bones, choking hazard)
5- Fat trimmings (U don't eat it, neither do they)
6- Caffeinated drinks (obviously)
7- Milk (omg, who knew!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Care2: 7 Things People Do That Dogs Hate

 Lisa Spector

1) Hugs from strangers
2) Patting a dog's head
3) Staring into their eyes
4) Not providing structure or routine
5) Putting your face right into their face
6) Not giving them time to smell the roses
7) Bringing dogs into loud environments 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Pet vacuum tip from

 (We 💗 'love' It)

. Vacuuming pet fur without an attachment.
Standard vacuuming on a wood or tile floor often blows away as much fur as it collects, so you're essentially moving debris all over the room. For controlled suction, resulting in fewer fur flyaways, use the wand attachment. And before you vacuum, do a little prep work: Collect any visible fur into a pile with a broom or an electrostatic dry mop (like a Swiffer).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

7 Funny and Cute Cat pictures

Friday, September 19, 2014


BIGGEST sale of the year is here!

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